[R] RGoogleDocs ability to write to spreadsheets broken as of yesterday

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 16:24:14 CEST 2010

Harlan Harris <harlan <at> harris.name> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm using RGoogleDocs/RCurl to update a Google Spreadsheet. Everything
> worked OK until this morning, when my ability to write into spreadsheet
> cells went away. I get the following weird error:
> Error in els[[type + 1]] : subscript out of bounds
> Looking at the Google Docs API changelog, I see the following:
> http://code.google.com/apis/spreadsheets/changelog.html
> Release 2010-01 (July 14, 2010)
> This is an advanced notice about an upcoming change.
>    - Starting July 19, 2010, all links returned by all Spreadsheets API
>    feeds will use HTTPS. This is being done in the interests of increased
>    security. If you require the use of HTTP, we recommend that you remove the
>    replace https with http in these links. Another announcement will be made
>    on July 19, 2010, when this change goes to production.
> I suspect this is the problem. Fixing it is above my head, I'm afraid. Could
> anyone help? This is urgent. Thank you,

   This is an Omegahat package (took me a little while to find it). Perhaps
you should write to the package maintainer?


or, more obscurely:


 (there may be a better way to deal with objects of type "packageInfo"
but I can't figure it out right at the moment).
  It looks as though one might be able to fix this by hacking the 
hard-coded URLs in the code, but as you suggest that might be above
your head.

  good luck ...
    Ben Bolker

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