[R] Reshaping data

Thomas Jensen thomas.jensen at eup.gess.ethz.ch
Tue Jul 20 00:48:36 CEST 2010

Dear All,

I have some data in the following shape:

ID			begin_t1	end_t1		begin_t2	end_t2
Thomas		11/03/04	13/05/06	04/02/07	16/05/08
...			...			...			...			...
Jens		24/01/02	23/05/03	07/06/03	14/11/05

I would like to reshape this data to have the following form:

ID			Begin_Time		End_Time
Thomas		11/03/04		13/05/06
Thomas		04/02/07		16/05/08
...			...				...
Jens		24/01/02		23/05/03
Jens		07/06/03		14/11/05

I have been doing some google searches and looked at the reshape  
library, but so far I have not been able to shape the data like I  
want. If you guys could help, I would greatly appreciate it!

Best, Thomas

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