[R] lc2 Model

Kathrin Schreglmann kathls at yahoo.de
Mon Jul 5 10:57:43 CEST 2010

Dear developping team,

I am a graduate student trying to fit a dose response curve for my 
thesis. I found one publication talking about the lc2-Modell in the drc 
Function (drm package), but I didn't find any related info how to create 
my data.
 fct = lc.2()
"was not found" by my R. How do I get any info on that please?
First, I tried the LL.2 model, but it doesnot really fit as my data are 
not logistically, but on a linear scale (values 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28).

Trying to contact the author of the publication failed so I couldn't 
think of any other way, I hope you can help me.
Thanks a lot,
Kathrin Schreglmann

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