[R] R CMD build/install: wrong Rtools include path is passed to g++

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 13:19:37 CET 2010

Andy Zhu wrote:
> Hi:
> I am trying to build/install rparallel source package in win32 using Rtools/R 
> CMD.  However, R CMD build or install fails.  The R CMD build output shows that 
> the path of Rtools/MinGW/include is wrong in g++ -I. How can I pass/configure 
> the correct include path to R CMD? Tried this in both R 2.12 and 2.11 with 
> compatible Rtools and Miktex/chm helper. Neither succeeded.
> Note, the R/Rtools/MinGW setting works fine if the package doesn't have C/C++ 
> code.  I was able to install my own R package which doesn't have C/C++ code.

I think your analysis is wrong. The path to Rtools/MinGW/include is not 
explicitly set by R.  You set the PATH to the compiler, and that include 
directory is automatically set.

Duncan Murdoch

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