[R] Trouble Loading doBy and coin Packages

Adam Carr adamlcarr at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 8 23:53:37 CET 2010

Good Evening R-Help Community:

I have attached a file that contains the output from sessionInfo() and a summary 
of my Win XP system. I am running R 2.12.0 and using Tinn-R as my 
interface. When I attempt to call either the doBy or coin packages R generates 
an error that I do not understand and have so far not been able to resolve by 
searching R resources.

I exchanged a couple of emails with Soren Hojsgaard who does not think the doBy 
error is directly related to the package itself, and he suggested that I post 
this problem for input from others.

When the doBy package is loaded, the following error appears in the Tinn-R log:

Error in length(label) : could not find function ".extendsForS3"
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'doBy'

When the coin package is called, this error appears in the Tinn-R log:

Error in length(sig) : could not find function ".extendsForS3"
Error: package 'stats4' could not be loaded

No functions in either package work, and when I attempt to call them the same 
errors are generated in the log.

Any help or direction would be appreciated. 

Thanks very much,


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