[R] Type-I v/s Type-III Sum-Of-Squares in ANOVA

rkevinburton at charter.net rkevinburton at charter.net
Tue Apr 20 00:52:03 CEST 2010

i believe John Fox offers another solution in his book.


---- Daniel Wollschlaeger <dwoll at psychologie.uni-kiel.de> wrote: 
> * On Mo, 1. Mar 2010, Ista Zahn wrote:
> > I've posted a short explanation about this at
> > http://yourpsyche.org/miscellaneous that you might find helpful. I'm a
> As someone who's also struggled with the "type X sum of squares" topic, I
> like the idea to completely walk through a numerical example and see what
> happens. I'd like to extend this a bit, and cover the following aspects:
> - how are the model comparisons underlying the SS types calculated?
> - do the compared models obey the marginality principle?
> - what are the orthogonal projections defining the model comparisons?
> - are the projections invariant to the type of contrast codes?
> - are the hypotheses formulated using empirical cell sizes?
>   (are the effect estimates using weighted or unweighted marginal means)?
> - how can (some of) the SS be calculated without matrix math?
> Below you'll find the code for SS type III using the 2x2 example from
> Maxwell and Delaney. For SS type I, II, and III using the 3x3 example in
> M&D, please see <http://www.uni-kiel.de/psychologie/dwoll/r/doc/ssTypes.r>
> The model projections for SS type III corresponding to models that violate
> the marginality principle are not invariant to the coding scheme. If,
> e.g., Pai is the projection for the model including main effect A and
> interaction A:B, Pai will be different for non sum-to-zero and sum-to-zero
> codes. This seems to mean that SS type III for main effects compare
> different models when using different contrasts codes. Which leads to the
> question what hypotheses these models actually imply. I'd be grateful if
> someone could provide any pointers on where to read up on that.
> I hope this post is not too long! Best, Daniel
> ####-----------------------------------------------------------------
> # 2x2 unbalanced design: data from Maxwell & Delaney 2004 p322
> P   <- 2  # two groups in factor A (female / male)
> Q   <- 2  # two groups in factor B (college degree / no degree)
> g11 <- c(24, 26, 25, 24, 27, 24, 27, 23)
> g12 <- c(15, 17, 20, 16)
> g21 <- c(25, 29, 27)
> g22 <- c(19, 18, 21, 20, 21, 22, 19)
> Y   <- c(g11, g12, g21, g22)  # salary in 100$
> A   <- factor(rep(1:P, c(8+4, 3+7)),         labels=c("f", "m"))
> B   <- factor(rep(rep(1:Q, P), c(8,4, 3,7)), labels=c("deg", "noDeg"))
> ####-----------------------------------------------------------------
> # utility function getInf2x2 (run with different contrasts settings)
> # fit all relevant regression models for 2x2 between-subjects design
> # output: * residual sum of squares for each model and their df
> #         * orthogonal projection on subspace as defined
> #           by the design matrix of each model
> getInf2x2 <- function() {
>   X <- model.matrix(lm(Y ~ A + B + A:B))  # ANOVA design matrix
>   # indicator variables for factors from design matrix
>   idA <- X[ , 2]   # factor A
>   idB <- X[ , 3]   # factor B
>   idI <- X[ , 4]   # interaction A:B
>   # fit each relevant regression model
>   mod1   <- lm(Y ~ 1)                 # no effect
>   modA   <- lm(Y ~ idA)               # factor A
>   modB   <- lm(Y ~       idB)         # factor B
>   modAB  <- lm(Y ~ idA + idB)         # factors A, B
>   modAI  <- lm(Y ~ idA       + idI)   # factor A, interaction A:B
>   modBI  <- lm(Y ~       idB + idI)   # factor B, interaction A:B
>   modABI <- lm(Y ~ idA + idB + idI)   # full model A, B, A:B
>   # RSS for each regression model from lm()
>   rss1   <- sum(residuals(mod1)^2)    # no effect, i.e., total SS
>   rssA   <- sum(residuals(modA)^2)    # factor A
>   rssB   <- sum(residuals(modB)^2)    # factor B
>   rssAB  <- sum(residuals(modAB)^2)   # factors A, B
>   rssAI  <- sum(residuals(modAI)^2)   # factor A, A:B
>   rssBI  <- sum(residuals(modBI)^2)   # factor B, A:B
>   rssABI <- sum(residuals(modABI)^2)  # full model A, B, A:B
>   # degrees of freedom for RSS for each model
>   N     <- length(Y)  # total N
>   df1   <- N - (0+1)  # no effect:            0 predictors + mean
>   dfA   <- N - (1+1)  # factor A:             1 predictor  + mean
>   dfB   <- N - (1+1)  # factor B:             1 predictor  + mean
>   dfAB  <- N - (2+1)  # factors A, B:         2 predictors + mean
>   dfAI  <- N - (2+1)  # factor A, A:B:        2 predictors + mean
>   dfBI  <- N - (2+1)  # factor B, A:B:        2 predictors + mean
>   dfABI <- N - (3+1)  # full model A, B, A:B: 3 predictors + mean
>   ####---------------------------------------------------------------
>   # alternatively: get RSS for each model and their df manually
>   # based on geometric interpretation
>   # design matrix for each model
>   one  <- rep(1, nrow(X))            # column of 1s
>   X1   <- cbind(one)                 # no effect
>   Xa   <- cbind(one, idA)            # factor A
>   Xb   <- cbind(one,      idB)       # factor B
>   Xab  <- cbind(one, idA, idB)       # factors A, B
>   Xai  <- cbind(one, idA,      idI)  # factor A, interaction A:B
>   Xbi  <- cbind(one,      idB, idI)  # factor B, interaction A:B
>   Xabi <- cbind(one, idA, idB, idI)  # full model A, B, A:B
>   # orthogonal projections P on subspace given by the design matrix
>   # of each model: P*y = y^hat are the model predictions
>   P1   <- X1   %*% solve(t(X1)   %*% X1)   %*% t(X1)    # no effect
>   Pa   <- Xa   %*% solve(t(Xa)   %*% Xa)   %*% t(Xa)    # A
>   Pb   <- Xb   %*% solve(t(Xb)   %*% Xb)   %*% t(Xb)    # B
>   Pab  <- Xab  %*% solve(t(Xab)  %*% Xab)  %*% t(Xab)   # A, B
>   Pai  <- Xai  %*% solve(t(Xai)  %*% Xai)  %*% t(Xai)   # A, A:B
>   Pbi  <- Xbi  %*% solve(t(Xbi)  %*% Xbi)  %*% t(Xbi)   # B, A:B
>   Pabi <- Xabi %*% solve(t(Xabi) %*% Xabi) %*% t(Xabi)  # A, B, A:B
>   # RSS = squared length of projections onto the orthogonal
>   # complement of each model's null hypothesis subspace in NxN space
>   # (I-P)*y = I*y - P*y = y - P*y = y - y^hat
>   # differences to model prediction, i.e., residuals
>   ID     <- diag(N)  # NxN identity matrix: outermost space
>   rss1   <- c(crossprod((ID - P1)   %*% Y))  # no effect
>   rssA   <- c(crossprod((ID - Pa)   %*% Y))  # A
>   rssB   <- c(crossprod((ID - Pb)   %*% Y))  # B
>   rssAB  <- c(crossprod((ID - Pab)  %*% Y))  # A, B
>   rssAI  <- c(crossprod((ID - Pai)  %*% Y))  # A, A:B
>   rssBI  <- c(crossprod((ID - Pbi)  %*% Y))  # B, A:B
>   rssABI <- c(crossprod((ID - Pabi) %*% Y))  # A, B, A:B
>   # get df of each RSS from dimension of subspace complementary
>   # to the null hypothesis model subspace (within NxN space)
>   df1   <- qr(ID - P1)$rank                  # no effect
>   dfA   <- qr(ID - Pa)$rank                  # A
>   dfB   <- qr(ID - Pb)$rank                  # B
>   dfAB  <- qr(ID - Pab)$rank                 # AB
>   dfAI  <- qr(ID - Pai)$rank                 # A, A:B
>   dfBI  <- qr(ID - Pbi)$rank                 # B, A:B
>   dfABI <- qr(ID - Pabi)$rank                # A, B, A:B
>   # return information about RSS from each model, their df,
>   # and the corresponding orthogonal projections
>     return(list( rss1=rss1,   rssA=rssA,    rssB=rssB, rssAB=rssAB,
>                 rssAI=rssAI, rssBI=rssBI, rssABI=rssABI,
>                   df1=df1,     dfA=dfA,      dfB=dfB,   dfAB=dfAB,
>                  dfAI=dfAI,   dfBI=dfBI,   dfABI=dfABI,
>                    P1=P1,       Pa=Pa,        Pb=Pb,     Pab=Pab,
>                   Pai=Pai,     Pbi=Pbi,     Pabi=Pabi))
> }
> ####-----------------------------------------------------------------
> # SS type III
> # * test model comparisons that violate marginality principle
> # * do not depend on order of terms in model
> # * individual effect SS do not sum to total effect SS
> # * test equality of unweighted marginal expected values
> # * correct results only with sum-to-zero contrasts
> #   due to violation of marginality principle
> # coding scheme for categorical variables matters
> # dummy coding -> wrong results
> options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.treatment", ordered="contr.poly"))
> # effect coding (or other sum to zero codes) -> correct results
> options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.sum", ordered="contr.poly"))
> library(car)  # result from Anova() from package car
> Anova(lm(Y ~ A + B + A:B), type="III")
> # order of model terms doesn't matter
> Anova(lm(Y ~ B + A + A:B), type="III")
> ####-----------------------------------------------------------------
> # model comparisons for SS type III violate principle of marginality:
> # restricted model includes interaction without one main effect
> # main effect factor A
> #     B + A:B vs. A + B + A:B
> # main effect factor B
> # A     + A:B vs. A + B + A:B
> # interaction: same comparison for SS type I, II and III
> # A + B       vs. A + B + A:B
> # comparisons cannot be done using anova() due to violation of
> # marginality principle - drop1() drops each term in turn anyway
> (dropRes <- drop1(lm(Y ~ A + B + A:B), ~ ., test="F"))
> ####-----------------------------------------------------------------
> # manual model comparisons leading to SS type III
> resIII <- getInf2x2()
> # effect SS: RSS-difference between model with all
> # effects and that model except the target effect
> (ssIIIa <- resIII$rssBI - resIII$rssABI)             # factor A
> (ssIIIb <- resIII$rssAI - resIII$rssABI)             # factor B
> (ssIIIi <- resIII$rssAB - resIII$rssABI)             # interaction
> # effect MS: RSS-difference divided by df-difference
> (msIIIa   <- ssIIIa / (resIII$dfBI - resIII$dfABI))  # factor A
> (msIIIb   <- ssIIIb / (resIII$dfAI - resIII$dfABI))  # factor B
> (msIIIabi <- ssIIIi / (resIII$dfAB - resIII$dfABI))  # interaction
> (msE      <- resIII$rssABI / resIII$dfABI)           # error MS full mod
> # F-values for each effect: effect MS / error MS full model
> msIIIa   / msE  # factor A
> msIIIb   / msE  # factor B
> msIIIabi / msE  # interaction
> # indiviudal effect SS do not sum to total effect SS:
> # sum of indiviudal effect SS
> ssIIIa + ssIIIb + ssIIIi
> # total effect SS from model comparison:
> # RSS model with 0 predictors - RSS full model
> resIII$rss1 - resIII$rssABI
> ####-----------------------------------------------------------------
> # SS for each effect from geometric interpretation:
> # squared length of projection onto the orthogonal complement
> # of null hypothesis model subspace within full model subspace
> crossprod((resIII$Pbi - resIII$Pabi) %*% Y)  # factor A
> crossprod((resIII$Pai - resIII$Pabi) %*% Y)  # factor B
> crossprod((resIII$Pab - resIII$Pabi) %*% Y)  # interaction
> ####-----------------------------------------------------------------
> # coding scheme for categorical variables matters for models
> # that violate marginality principle
> # orthogonal projections onto subspace given by model's
> # design matrix when using dummy coding:
> options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.treatment", ordered="contr.poly"))
> resD  <- getInf2x2()     # projections from utility function
> PaD   <- resD$Pa         # factor A
> PbD   <- resD$Pb         # factor B
> PabD  <- resD$Pab        # factors A, B
> PaiD  <- resD$Pai        # factor A, A:B -> violates marginality
> PbiD  <- resD$Pbi        # factor B, A:B -> violates marginality
> PabiD <- resD$Pabi       # full model A, B, A:B
> # orthogonal projections onto subspace given by model's
> # design matrix when using effect coding coding (sum to zero):
> options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.sum", ordered="contr.poly"))
> resE  <- getInf2x2()     # projections from utility function
> PaE   <- resE$Pa         # factor A
> PbE   <- resE$Pb         # factor B
> PabE  <- resE$Pab        # factors A, B
> PaiE  <- resE$Pai        # factor A, A:B -> violates marginality
> PbiE  <- resE$Pbi        # factor B, A:B -> violates marginality
> PabiE <- resE$Pabi       # full model A, B, A:B
> # equality of projections from different contrast coding schemes
> all.equal(PaD,   PaE)    # -> equal
> all.equal(PbD,   PbE)    # -> equal
> all.equal(PaiD,  PaiE)   # -> not equal
> all.equal(PbiD,  PbiE)   # -> not equal
> all.equal(PabD,  PabE)   # -> equal
> all.equal(PabiD, PabiE)  # -> equal
> ####-----------------------------------------------------------------
> # manual calculation of SS type III for main effects based
> # on unweighted cell means = results from sum-to-zero contrasts
> cellNs <- tapply(Y, list(A, B), length)  # cell sizes
> cellMs <- tapply(Y, list(A, B), mean)    # cell means
> rowMs  <- rowMeans(cellMs)               # unweighted row means
> colMs  <- colMeans(cellMs)               # unweighted column means
> # effective marginal N: harmonic mean off cell sizes
> effNj <- P / apply(1/cellNs, 1, sum)     # harmonic row means
> effNk <- Q / apply(1/cellNs, 2, sum)     # harmonic column means
> # grand mean based on corresponding marginal means
> # weighted with effective marginal N
> gM1 <- sum(effNj*rowMs) / sum(effNj)     # based on row means
> gM2 <- sum(effNk*colMs) / sum(effNk)     # based on column means
> (ssIIIa <- P * sum(effNj * (rowMs-gM1)^2))  # SS type III for A
> (ssIIIb <- Q * sum(effNk * (colMs-gM2)^2))  # SS type III for B
> # interaction SS cannot be easily calculated without matrix math
> # error SS: sum of squared Y - corresponding cell mean
> (ssE    <- sum((Y - ave(Y, A, B, FUN=mean))^2))
> dfA     <- P-1            # df SS factor A
> dfB     <- Q-1            # df SS factor A
> dfE     <- N - (P*Q)      # df error SS
> (msIIIa <- ssIIIa / dfA)  # MS factor A
> (msIIIb <- ssIIIb / dfB)  # MS factor B
> (msE    <- ssE    / dfE)  # MS error
> msIIIa / msE              # F-value factor A
> msIIIb / msE              # F-value factor B
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