[R] Error in library(gplots) : there is no package called 'gplots'

james james at ipec.co.uk
Fri Apr 16 10:46:58 CEST 2010

Hi Vava,
What version of R are you using? I'm not sure but I think that R will 
refuse to install a package in this way if the version of gplots is 
incompatiable with the version of R you're using. You can check the 
depends of packages on CRAN.


Vava wrote:
> Thanks for your suggestion Tal. Unfortunately, still no luck with me ...
> still get the usual error message:
> " Error in library(gplots) : there is no package called 'gplots' ", whatever
> I try to install.
> This is a mystery to me with respect to why /how. I am really stuck with
> that problem.
> Best, 
> Valère

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