[R] Statistical test for stationarity-how

David Scott d.scott at auckland.ac.nz
Sun Apr 11 23:40:32 CEST 2010

Velappan Periasamy wrote:
> How to find out if EURGBP is stationary?
> Post the R codes for the same.

You have posted three similar messages which basically say, do my work 
for me, I'm not prepared to even bother explaining my problem or situation.

You are unlikely to get any help without more work on your behalf.

David Scott

David Scott	Department of Statistics
		The University of Auckland, PB 92019
		Auckland 1142,    NEW ZEALAND
Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 7599 ext 85055
Email:	d.scott at auckland.ac.nz,  Fax: +64 9 373 7018

Director of Consulting, Department of Statistics

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