[R] How to save a model in DB and retrieve It
Greg Snow
Greg.Snow at imail.org
Fri Apr 2 19:12:40 CEST 2010
Look at the serialize function, it may accomplish what you want.
Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare
greg.snow at imail.org
> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-help-bounces at r-project.org [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-
> project.org] On Behalf Of Daniele Amberti
> Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 2:37 AM
> To: r-help at r-project.org; r-sig-db at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Subject: [R] How to save a model in DB and retrieve It
> I'm wondering how to save an object (models like lm, loess, etc) in a
> DB to retrieve and use it afterwards, an example:
> wind_ms <- abs(rnorm(24*30)*4+8)
> air_kgm3 <- rnorm(24*30, 0.1)*0.1 + 1.1
> wind_dg <- rnorm(24*30) * 360/7
> ms <- c(0:25)
> kw_mm92 <- c(0,0,0,20,94,205,391,645,979,1375,1795,2000,2040)
> kw_mm92 <- c(kw_mm92, rep(2050, length(ms)-length(kw_mm92)))
> modelspline <- splinefun(ms, kw_mm92)
> kw <- abs(modelspline(wind_ms) - (wind_dg)*2 + (air_kgm3 - 1.15)*300 +
> rnorm(length(wind_ms))*10)
> #plot(wind_ms, kw)
> windDat <- data.frame(kw, wind_ms, air_kgm3, wind_dg)
> windDat[windDat$wind_ms < 3, 'kw'] <- 0
> model <- loess(kw ~ wind_ms + air_kgm3 + wind_dg, data = windDat,
> enp.target = 10*5*3) #, span = 0.1)
> modX <- serialize(model, connection = NULL, ascii = T)
> Channel <- odbcConnect("someSysDSN; UID=aUid; PWD=aPwd")
> sqlQuery(Channel,
> paste(
> "INSERT INTO GRT.GeneratorsModels
> ([cGeneratorID]
> ,[tModel]
> (1,",
> paste("'", gsub("'", "''", rawToChar(modX)), "'", sep = ''),
> ")", sep = "") )
> # Up to this it is working correctly,
> # in DB I have the "modX" variable
> # Problem arise retrieving data and 64kb limit:
> strQ <- "
> SELECT CONVERT(varchar(max), tModel) AS tModel
> FROM GRT.GeneratorsModels
> WHERE (cGeneratorID = 1)
> "
> x <- sqlQuery(Channel, strQ, stringsAsFactors = F, believeNRows =
> x <- sqlQuery(Channel, strQ, stringsAsFactors = F, believeNRows =
> FALSE) #read error
> Above code is working for simplier models that have a shorter
> representation in variable "modX".
> Any advice on how to store and retieve this kind of objects?
> Thanks
> Daniele
> ORS Srl
> Via Agostino Morando 1/3 12060 Roddi (Cn) - Italy
> Tel. +39 0173 620211
> Fax. +39 0173 620299 / +39 0173 433111
> Web Site www.ors.it
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