[R] Problem comparing hazard ratios

Frank E Harrell Jr f.harrell at Vanderbilt.Edu
Thu Apr 1 00:15:20 CEST 2010

P.S.  Here is some code that is more directly relevant.


cphadjchisq <- function(adjust, candidates, S)

     f <- coxphFit(adjust, S, type='right', method='efron')
     if(f$fail) stop('could not fit a model with just adjust')
     ll2 <- -2*f$loglik[2]
     chisq.adjust <- 2*diff(f$loglik)

     p <- ncol(candidates)
     chisq <- numeric(p)
     names(chisq) <- colnames(candidates)

     for(i in 1:p)
         f <- coxphFit(cbind(adjust, candidates[,i]), S,
                       type='right', method='efron')
         chisq[i] <- if(f$fail) NA else ll2 + 2*f$loglik[2]
     list(chisq=chisq, P=1 - pchisq(chisq, 1), chisq.adjust=chisq.adjust,
          padjust=ncol(adjust), pcandidates=ncol(candidates))

bootrankcph <- function(adjust, candidates, S, B=500, conf.int=0.95, 
     adjust     <- as.matrix(adjust)
     candidates <- as.matrix(candidates)
     i <- is.na(rowSums(adjust) + rowSums(candidates) + rowSums(S))
         i <- !i
         adjust     <- adjust[i,,drop=FALSE]
         candidates <- candidates[i,,drop=FALSE]
         S          <- S[i,,drop=FALSE]
     n <- nrow(S)

     orig      <- cphadjchisq(adjust, candidates, S)
     orig.rank <- rank(-orig$chisq)
     p         <- ncol(candidates)
     brank     <- matrix(NA, ncol=p, nrow=B)

     for(i in 1:B)
         if(pr) cat(i, '\r')
         s <- sample(1:n, n, replace=TRUE)
         w <- cphadjchisq(adjust[s,,drop=FALSE], candidates[s,,drop=FALSE],
         brank[i,] <- rank(-w$chisq)
     if(pr) cat('\n')

     lower <- apply(brank, 2, function(w) quantile(w, (1-conf.int)/2, 
     upper <- apply(brank, 2, function(w) quantile(w, (1+conf.int)/2, 
                    ranks=cbind(rank=orig.rank, lower=lower, upper=upper)),

print.bootrankcph <- function(x, ...)
     s <- x$stats
     cat('\nOriginal Model L.R. Statistic for Adjustment Variables\n\n',
         'Chi-square=', round(s$chisq.adjust,2),'with', s$padjust,
         'd.f.\n\nOriginal Partial L.R. Statistics for Candidates (1 
     i <- order(s$chisq)
                 P=format.pval(s$P[i], digits=3, eps=.001)),

plot.bootrankcph <- function(x, ...)
     x <- x$ranks
     cand <- if(length(rownames(x))) as.factor(rownames(x)) else
     cand <- reorder.factor(cand, x[,1])
     Dotplot(cand ~ Cbind(x), pch=16, xlab='Rank', ylab='Candidate')

n <- 100
age <- rnorm(n, 50, 10)
sex <- sample(c('female','male'), n, TRUE)

adjust <- model.matrix(~ rcs(age,3)*sex)
candidates <- matrix(rnorm(n*50), ncol=50,
                      dimnames=list(NULL, c(letters,LETTERS)[1:50]))
S <- Surv(runif(n))
w <- bootrankcph(adjust, candidates, S, B=100)

Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
> Ravi Varadhan wrote:
>> Frank,
>> Is there an article that discusses this idea of bootstrapping the 
>> ranks of
>> the likelihood ratio chi-square Statistics to assess relative 
>> importance of predictors in time-to-event data
>> (specifically Cox PH model)?
>> Thanks,
>> Ravi.
> Do require(rms); ?anova.rms and see related articles:
> @Article{hal09usi,
>   author =          {Hall, Peter and Miller, Hugh},
>   title =          {Using the bootstrap to quantify the authority of an 
> empirical ranking},
>   journal =      Annals of Stat,
>   year =          2009,
>   volume =      37,
>   number =      {6B},
>   pages =      {3929-3959},
>   annote =      {confidence interval for ranks;genomics;high 
> dimension;independent component bootstrap;$m$-out-of-$n$ 
> bootstrap;ordering;overlap interval;prediction interval;synchronous 
> bootstrap;ordinary bootstrap may not provide accurate confidence 
> intervals for ranks;may need a different bootstrap if the number of 
> parameters being ranked increases with $n$ or is large;estimating $m$ is 
> difficult;in their first example, where $m=0.355n$, the ordinary 
> bootstrap provided a lower bound to the lengths of more accurate 
> confidence intervals of ranks}
> }
> @Article{xie09con,
>   author =          {Xie, Minge and Singh, Kesar and Zhang, {Cun-Hui}},
>   title =          {Confidence intervals for population ranks in the 
> presence of ties and near ties},
>   journal =      JASA,
>   year =          2009,
>   volume =      104,
>   number =      486,
>   pages =      {775-787},
>   annote =      {bootstrap ranks;ranking;nonstandard bootstrap 
> inference;rank inference;slow convergence rate;smooth ranks in the 
> presence of near ties;rank inference for fixed effects risk adjustment 
> models}
> }
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: r-help-bounces at r-project.org 
>> [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-project.org] On
>> Behalf Of Frank E Harrell Jr
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 3:57 PM
>> To: Michal Figurski
>> Cc: r-help at r-project.org
>> Subject: Re: [R] Problem comparing hazard ratios
>> Michal Figurski wrote:
>>> Dear R-Helpers,
>>> I am a novice in survival analysis. I have the following code:
>>> for (i in 3:12) print(coxph(Surv(time, status)~a[,i], data=a))
>>> I used it to fit the Cox Proportional Hazard models separately for 
>>> every available parameter (columns 3:12) in my data set - with 
>>> intention to compare the Hazard Ratios.
>>> However, some of my variables are in range 0.1 to 1.6, others in 
>>> range 5000 to 9000. How do I compare HRs between such variables?
>>> I have rescaled all the variables to be in 0 to 1 range - is this the 
>>> proper way to go? Is there a way to somehow calculate the same HRs 
>>> (as for rescaled parameters) from the HRs for original parameters?
>>> Many thanks in advance.
>> There are a lot of issues related to this that will require a good bit 
>> of study, both in survival analysis and in regression.  I would start 
>> with bootstrapping the ranks of the likelihood ratio chi-square 
>> statistics of the competing biomarkers.
>> Frank

Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chairman        School of Medicine
                      Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

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