[R] Problem with geometry manager in TclTK

Peter Dalgaard p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk
Mon Oct 19 19:09:15 CEST 2009

Gabriel Margarido wrote:
> Hello, everyone.
> I have the following problem with TclTk: I create some windows and want to
> change their position with geometry manage (sometimes they will be centered,
> sometimes not).
> If the toplevel is created and its dimensions are gathered via 'tkwinfo', I
> get (usually) correct values. However, if this window is created by a
> function (in the following example, by 'ask.format') and this function is
> called by another function ('inputDialog', as follows), I always get the
> value '1' for width and height.
> Provided below is quite detailed code, containing pretty much my entire
> functions, except the parts not related to TclTk.

Hmm, not sure, but it sounds a bit like you might be querying the window 
before it is mapped. Perhaps you want tkwait.window before tkwinfo?


> Thank you in advance,
> Gabriel Margarido.
> library(tcltk)
> ask.format <- function() {
>   ask.form <- tktoplevel()
>   tkgrab.set(ask.form)
>   tkfocus(ask.form)
>   tkwm.title(ask.form,"Input Format")
>   tkwm.resizable(ask.form, 0, 0)
>   file.format <- tclVar("1")
>   ReturnFormat <- "ID_CANCEL"
>   Title.frame <- tkframe(ask.form, relief="groove")
>   tkgrid(tklabel(Title.frame,text="Input File Format", font="Times 15",
> foreground="dark red"))
>   tkgrid(Title.frame)
>   Choose.frame <- tkframe(ask.form, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
>   file.format1 <- tkradiobutton(Choose.frame)
>   file.format2 <- tkradiobutton(Choose.frame)
>   tkconfigure(file.format1, variable=file.format, value="1")
>   tkconfigure(file.format2, variable=file.format, value="2")
>   tkgrid(tklabel(Choose.frame, text="Format 1 "),file.format1)
>   tkgrid(tklabel(Choose.frame, text="Format 2 "),file.format2)
>   tkgrid(Choose.frame)
>   onOK <- function() {
>     ReturnFormat <<- tclvalue(file.format)
>     tkgrab.release(ask.form)
>     tkdestroy(ask.form)
>   }
>   onCancel <- function() {
>     tkgrab.release(ask.form)
>     tkdestroy(ask.form)
>   }
>   Buttons.frame <- tkframe(ask.form, relief="groove")
>   OK.but <- tkbutton(Buttons.frame, text = " OK ", command = onOK)
>   cancel.but <- tkbutton(Buttons.frame, text = "Cancel", command = onCancel)
>   tkgrid(cancel.but, OK.but, ipadx=20)
>   tkgrid(Buttons.frame)
>   print(as.integer(tclvalue(tkwinfo("height", ask.form))))
>   tkbind(ask.form, "<Destroy>", function() onCancel)
>   tkbind(ask.form, "<KeyPress-Return>", onOK)
>   tkbind(ask.form, "<KeyPress-Escape>", onCancel)
>   tkwait.window(ask.form)
>   return(ReturnFormat)
> }
> inputDialog <- function() {
>   input <- tktoplevel(background="white")
>   tkgrab.set(input)
>   tkfocus(input)
>   tkwm.title(input, "Data Input")
>   tkwm.resizable(input, 0, 0)
>   OpenVal <- c(0,0)
>   getfile <- function() {
>     inputformat <- ask.format()
>     if (inputformat == "ID_CANCEL") return()
>     OpenVal[1] <<- 1
>     tkgrab.release(input)
>     tkdestroy(input)
>   }
>   tkgrid(tklabel(input, text = "Choose an input
> file",background="white",font="Times 13"),columnspan=3)
>   button.file <- tkbutton(input, text = "Open Input Data File", command =
> getfile)
>   button.exit <- tkbutton(input, text = "Exit", command = function()
> {tkdestroy(input); OpenVal[2] <<- 1})
>   tkgrid(button.file, button.exit)
>   tkfocus(input)
>   tkbind(input, "<Destroy>", function() {tkgrab.release(input); OpenVal[2]
> <<- 1})
>   tkwait.window(input)
>   return(OpenVal)
> }
> ask.format() ## this works, although with some variation in values
> inputDialog() ## window size is always 1
> 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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    O__  ---- Peter Dalgaard             Øster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B
   c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics     PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K
  (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark      Ph:  (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk)              FAX: (+45) 35327907

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