[R] Compress (gzip) a pdf device - [ ] Message is from an unknown sender
Duncan Temple Lang
duncan at wald.ucdavis.edu
Thu Oct 1 21:57:22 CEST 2009
The latest version of the Rcompression package (www.omegahat.org/Rcompression)
provides a gzip() function that does this. The example in the help page shows
There is a source version of the package in the Omegahat repository (and on the package's
Web site), but no binaries at this point.
Daniele Amberti wrote:
> system() invokes the OS command specified by command, in the example you gave it means that gzip is installed and (assuming Windows OS) it is in your search path.
> I'd like to have a solution that do not use external programs.
> Thanks
> Daniele
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ista Zahn [mailto:istazahn at gmail.com]
> Sent: 01 October 2009 17:11
> To: Daniele Amberti
> Cc: r-help at r-project.org; Rainer M Krug
> Subject: Re: [R] Compress (gzip) a pdf device - [ ] Message is from an unknown sender
> I guess I don't understand what your're trying to do. gzip-ing a file
> from within R is easy enough:
> pdf(file="CompressMe.pdf")
> plot(rnorm(100))
> dev.off()
> system("gzip CompressMe.pdf")
> I think you want something more complicated, but I'm not sure what.
> -Ista
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 6:41 AM, Daniele Amberti <daniele.amberti at ors.it> wrote:
>> By now It seems nobody have idea.
>> zz <- gzfile("C:/gzpdftest.gz", "wb")
>> pdf(file = zz)
>> plot(USArrests)
>> dev.off()
>> close(zz)
>> produce a file named "3" without any extension in my working directory.
>> Also I don't have any news on how to gzip the pdf afterward (without using an external executable).
>> Daniele
>> From: Rainer M Krug [mailto:r.m.krug at gmail.com]
>> Sent: 30 September 2009 10:26
>> To: Daniele Amberti
>> Cc: r-help at r-project.org
>> Subject: Re: [R] Compress (gzip) a pdf device - [ ] Message is from an unknown sender
>> 2009/9/30 Daniele Amberti <daniele.amberti at ors.it<mailto:daniele.amberti at ors.it>>
>> I have not found an easy way to compress a file on filesystem.
>> Especially I'd like to compress a pdf from pdf() function/device. Is it possible to compress It on the flight?
>> I'd like to do something like:
>> pdf(gzipconnection())
>> dev.off()
>> I guess this boils down to a question I asked some time ago concerning getting the filename of a pdf() device, as I wanted to create a compressed pdf from the uncompressed pdf created by R (not "zipping" the pdf).
>> It does not seem to be possible, at least I did not get any response which I could use to implement my idea (create my dev.off(), which calls dev.off() and afterwards compresses the pdf by using the file name).
>> If you find a solution, please let me know.
>> Cheers,
>> Rainer
>> If It is not possible, how can I create a gzip with the pdf?
>> Thanks
>> Daniele A.
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> --
> Ista Zahn
> Graduate student
> University of Rochester
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