[R] Splitting massive output into multiple text files
A Singh
Aditi.Singh at bristol.ac.uk
Thu Nov 19 17:23:25 CET 2009
Dear List,
I thought it would be much easier to put a second query into a second mail.
I need to print 426*10000 blocks of variance components data, where 426 is
the number of columns of data that have 10000 permutations of variance
generated for each of them.
I have tried printing out a smaller number of permutations for a smaller
number of markers and that has worked.
However, since a text file will not handle 4 million blocks in a single
file (which is what I ultimately need to do), is there a way to tell R to
create a new file for every 10 or so columns?
I tried to use some suggested code that looked like:
for (j in 1:426)
j <- j+10
..but can't figure out how to put it into my own code and make it work.
I did find one example of code for split files, each successive file being
labeled as a series of numbers, but I couldn't figure out how to even adapt
that to my model.
I cannot figure out what other way there is to conveniently view 4 m. items
of data without losing some of it somewhere..
Any help will be much much appreciated..
Code for shorter sample file:
colms<-(modeldf)[4:13] ## 10 markers only in this file
for(f in colms)
for( i in 1:1000)
print("perm no.")
peg.no.prm<-sample(peg.no, length(peg.no))
try(fit5<-lmer(data=modeldf, peg.no.prm~1 + (1|family/f)))
capture.output(fit5, file="testperm5.txt", append=T)
The data files are at:
>> <http://www.4shared.com/file/131980362/460bdafe/Testvcomp10.ht
>> ml> (excel)
>> http://www.4shared.com/file/131980512/dc7308b/Testvcomp10.html
>> (txt)
A Singh
Aditi.Singh at bristol.ac.uk
School of Biological Sciences
University of Bristol
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