[R] maxtrix to permutation vector

Gavin Simpson gavin.simpson at ucl.ac.uk
Fri May 29 21:07:29 CEST 2009

On Fri, 2009-05-29 at 11:08 -0700, Ian Coe wrote:
> Hi,
>    Is there a way to  convert a matrix into a vector representing all
> permutations of values and column/row headings with native R functions?
> I did this with 2 nested for loops and it took about 25 minutes to run
> on a  ~700x700 matrix.  I'm assuming there must be a smarter way to do
> this with R's vector commands, but being new to R, I'm having trouble
> making it work. 

Here is one way:

> mat <- matrix(1:9, ncol = 3)
> colnames(mat) <- c("a","b","c")
> rownames(mat) <- c("d","e","f")
> rc <- expand.grid(rownames(mat), colnames(mat))
> res <- data.frame(Row = rc$Var2, Col = rc$Var1,
+                   Perm = as.vector(mat))
> res
  Row Col Perm
1   a   d    1
2   a   e    2
3   a   f    3
4   b   d    4
5   b   e    5
6   b   f    6
7   c   d    7
8   c   e    8
9   c   f    9

And timings for something similar to your 700*700 problem:

> mat <- matrix(seq_len(700*700), ncol = 700)
> colnames(mat) <- as.character(1:700)
> rownames(mat) <- as.character(1:700)
> system.time({
+ rc <- expand.grid(rownames(mat), colnames(mat))
+ res <- data.frame(Row = rc$Var2, Col = rc$Var1,
+                   Perm = as.vector(mat))
+ })
   user  system elapsed 
  0.631   0.028   0.690 
> head(res)
  Row Col Perm
1   1   1    1
2   1   2    2
3   1   3    3
4   1   4    4
5   1   5    5
6   1   6    6



> Thanks,
> Ian
>      [a] [b] [c]
> [d]    1    4    7
> [e]    2    5    8
> [f]    3    6    9
> a d 1
> a e 2
> a f 3
> b d 4
> b e 5
> b f 6
> c d 7
> c e 8
> c f 9
> Ian Coe
> Connective Capital Management, LLC
> 385 Homer Ave.
> Palo Alto, CA 94301
> (650) 321-4826 ext. 03     
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