[R] split strings

Ronggui Huang ronggui.huang at gmail.com
Tue May 26 15:40:20 CEST 2009

They look like file path, so you can make use of basename() first,
then use gsub to strip the suffix.

> x<-c("F:/Naval_Live_Oaks/2005/data//BE.tif","F:/Naval_Live_Oaks/2005/data//CH.tif")
> x2<-sapply(x,basename,USE.NAMES=FALSE)
> gsub("[.].{1,}$","",x2)
[1] "BE" "CH"


2009/5/26 Monica Pisica <pisicandru at hotmail.com>:
> Hi everybody,
> I have a vector of characters and i would like to extract certain parts. My vector is named metr_list:
> [1] "F:/Naval_Live_Oaks/2005/data//BE.tif"
> [2] "F:/Naval_Live_Oaks/2005/data//CH.tif"
> [3] "F:/Naval_Live_Oaks/2005/data//CRR.tif"
> [4] "F:/Naval_Live_Oaks/2005/data//HOME.tif"
> And i would like to extract BE, CH, CRR, and HOME in a different vector named "names.id" for example. I read the help files for sub and grep and the likes but i have to recognize that i did not understand it. So i've done this (which does the job but extremely clumsy):
> b <- strsplit(metr_list, "//")
> b <- unlist(b)
> d <- strsplit(b, "\\.")
> d <- unlist(d)
> names.id <- d[c(2, 5, 8, 11)]
> Can anybody show what would be the proper way to achieve this with some explanations?
> Thanks,
> Monica
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HUANG Ronggui, Wincent
PhD Candidate
Dept of Public and Social Administration
City University of Hong Kong
Home page: http://asrr.r-forge.r-project.org/rghuang.html

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