[R] Confirmatory factor analysis problems using sem package (works in Amos)

S. Messing messing at stanford.edu
Fri May 22 07:25:35 CEST 2009

Hello all,

I'm trying to replicate a confirmatory factor analysis done in Amos.  The
idea is to compare a one-factor and a two-factor model.  I get the following
warning message when I run either model:

"Could not compute QR decomposition of Hessian.
Optimization probably did not converge."

I have no idea what to do here.  I believe posters reported the same
problem.  It seems that the ability to invert the correlation matrix may
have something to do with this error, but solve(correl) yields a solution.

Here are my correlation matrix and model specifications:

--------------------------- R CODE BEGIN

correl <- matrix(
				0.5096898,0.8106496,1.0000000), ,nrow=9,ncol=9)

rownames(correl) = c("pvote", "jmposaff", "jmnegaff",
		"obama.therm", "mccain.therm", 
		"oddcand.D", "evencand.D" )

colnames(correl) = c("pvote", "jmposaff", "jmnegaff",
		"obama.therm", "mccain.therm", 
		"oddcand.D", "evencand.D" )

#One Factor Model:
model.all <- specify.model()
allmeasures -> pvote,				b1, NA
allmeasures -> obama.therm,			b2, NA
allmeasures -> mccain.therm,		b3, NA
allmeasures -> jmposaff,			b4, NA
allmeasures -> jmnegaff,			b5, NA
allmeasures -> boposaff,			b6, NA
allmeasures -> bonegaff,			b7, NA
allmeasures -> oddcand.D,			b8, NA
allmeasures -> evencand.D,			b9, NA
allmeasures <-> allmeasures,		NA,1
pvote <-> pvote,					v1, NA
obama.therm <-> obama.therm,		v2, NA
mccain.therm <-> mccain.therm,		v3, NA
jmposaff <-> jmposaff,				v4, NA
jmnegaff <-> jmnegaff,				v5, NA
boposaff <-> boposaff,				v6, NA
bonegaff <-> bonegaff,				v7, NA
oddcand.D <-> oddcand.D,			v8, NA
evencand.D <-> evencand.D,			v9, NA

sem.all <- sem(model.all, correl, 1100)


#Two Factor Model:
model.vi <- specify.model()
verbal -> pvote,					b1, NA
verbal -> obama.therm,				b2, NA
verbal -> mccain.therm,				b3, NA
verbal -> jmposaff,					b4, NA
verbal -> jmnegaff,					b5, NA
verbal -> boposaff,					b6, NA
verbal -> bonegaff,					b7, NA
imp -> oddcand.D,					b8, NA
imp -> evencand.D,					b9, NA
imp <-> imp,						NA, 1
verbal <-> verbal,					NA, 1
pvote <-> pvote,					v1, NA
obama.therm <-> obama.therm,		v2, NA
mccain.therm <-> mccain.therm,		v3, NA
jmposaff <-> jmposaff,				v4, NA
jmnegaff <-> jmnegaff,				v5, NA
boposaff <-> boposaff,				v6, NA
bonegaff <-> bonegaff,				v7, NA
oddcand.D <-> oddcand.D,			v8, NA
evencand.D <-> evencand.D,			v9, NA
imp <-> verbal,						civ, NA

sem.vi <- sem(model.vi, correl, 1100)

--------------------------- R CODE END

Thanks very much.

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