[R] X and Y axis labels on a barplot

Steve Murray smurray444 at hotmail.com
Wed May 6 16:03:20 CEST 2009

> dput(total_sums)
structure(c(17722202.6898231, 15276602.215475, 16875888.5155229, 
14086271.625756, 18626581.9628846, 15387747.481166, 18428414.8535184, 
15560882.404998, 17611181.5207881, 14905453.195546, 17290016.3934661, 
14939493.120707, 16819288.8227961, 13979000.614402, 17657959.3656573, 
14814672.426469, 17803561.0042762, 15003711.075902, 18016143.3425573, 
14464426.596292), .Dim = c(2L, 10L), .Dimnames = list(c("Sim_1986", 
"X1986"), c("sums86", "sums87", "sums88", "sums89", "sums90", 
"sums91", "sums92", "sums93", "sums94", "sums95")))

Wasn't aware of dput - y'learn something new every day!

Hope this helps,


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