[R] Adding labels to heatmaps from image()

drajaman at bidmc.harvard.edu drajaman at bidmc.harvard.edu
Tue Mar 17 03:08:28 CET 2009


I have been trying to add labels to the rows of a heatmap produced using image() function. It is simply not working. Here is what I did.

#used the above external program to create a colored dendrogram
xsort <- x[1:nrow(x), hcc$labels[hcc$order]]
image(scale(t(xsort)), col=greenred(60),xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
di <- dim(x)
axis(4, 1:nr, labels=go, las= 2, line= 0, tick=TRUE, cex.axis= 2)

The output pdf I get is attached in this mail. I just get the first member of the vector "go" on axis(4). It looks like the program does not know where or how long axis(4) should be. 

I have been stuck with this problem for the past couple of days, desperately need help.

Deepa Rajamani

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