[R] adding value labels on Interaction Plot

Dimitri Liakhovitski ld7631 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 22:23:55 CET 2009

I'll reply to my own post - to make sure no one wastes his/her time on that.
I was able to solve the problem only after I modified the original
function interaction.plot (see below). All I did I added one line
before the final } - asking it to return the means on the numeric
(dependent) variable.
After that, the following code worked:


coordinates<-modified.interaction.plot(d$xx, d$yy, d$zz, fun=mean,
  type="b", col=c("red","blue"), legend=F,
  lty=c(1,2), lwd=2, pch=c(18,24),
  xlab="X Label (level of xx)",
  ylab="Y Label (level of zz)",
  main="Chart Label")

grid(nx=NA, ny=NULL,col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted",
     lwd = par("lwd"), equilogs = TRUE)

pch=c(18,24),col=c("red","blue"),title="Level of yy")


for(i in 1:length(coordinates)) {

### Modified interaction.plot function ###
modified.interaction.plot=function (x.factor, trace.factor, response,
fun = mean, type = c("l",
    "p", "b"), legend = TRUE, trace.label = deparse(substitute(trace.factor)),
    fixed = FALSE, xlab = deparse(substitute(x.factor)), ylab = ylabel,
    ylim = range(cells, na.rm = TRUE), lty = nc:1, col = 1, pch = c(1:9,
        0, letters), xpd = NULL, leg.bg = par("bg"), leg.bty = "n",
    xtick = FALSE, xaxt = par("xaxt"), axes = TRUE, ...)
    ylabel <- paste(deparse(substitute(fun)), "of ",
    type <- match.arg(type)
    cells <- tapply(response, list(x.factor, trace.factor), fun)
    nr <- nrow(cells)
    nc <- ncol(cells)
    xvals <- 1:nr
    if (is.ordered(x.factor)) {
        wn <- getOption("warn")
        options(warn = -1)
        xnm <- as.numeric(levels(x.factor))
        options(warn = wn)
        if (!any(is.na(xnm)))
            xvals <- xnm
    xlabs <- rownames(cells)
    ylabs <- colnames(cells)
    nch <- max(sapply(ylabs, nchar, type = "width"))
    if (is.null(xlabs))
        xlabs <- as.character(xvals)
    if (is.null(ylabs))
        ylabs <- as.character(1:nc)
    xlim <- range(xvals)
    xleg <- xlim[2] + 0.05 * diff(xlim)
    xlim <- xlim + c(-0.2/nr, if (legend) 0.2 + 0.02 * nch else 0.2/nr) *
    matplot(xvals, cells, ..., type = type, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
        xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, axes = axes, xaxt = "n", col = col,
        lty = lty, pch = pch)
    if (axes && xaxt != "n") {
        axisInt <- function(x, main, sub, lwd, bg, log, asp,
            ...) axis(1, x, ...)
        mgp. <- par("mgp")
        if (!xtick)
            mgp.[2] <- 0
        axisInt(1, at = xvals, labels = xlabs, tick = xtick,
            mgp = mgp., xaxt = xaxt, ...)
    if (legend) {
        yrng <- diff(ylim)
        yleg <- ylim[2] - 0.1 * yrng
        if (!is.null(xpd) || {
            xpd. <- par("xpd")
            !is.na(xpd.) && !xpd. && (xpd <- TRUE)
        }) {
            op <- par(xpd = xpd)
        text(xleg, ylim[2] - 0.05 * yrng, paste("  ", trace.label),
            adj = 0)
        if (!fixed) {
            ord <- sort.list(cells[nr, ], decreasing = TRUE)
            ylabs <- ylabs[ord]
            lty <- lty[1 + (ord - 1)%%length(lty)]
            col <- col[1 + (ord - 1)%%length(col)]
            pch <- pch[ord]
        legend(xleg, yleg, legend = ylabs, col = col, pch = if (type %in%
            c("p", "b"))
            pch, lty = if (type %in% c("l", "b"))
            lty, bty = leg.bty, bg = leg.bg)

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Dimitri Liakhovitski <ld7631 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you, David, however, I am not sure this approach works.
> Let's try it again - I slightly modifed d to make it more clear:
> d=data.frame(xx=c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3),yy=c(3,3,4,4,3,3,4,4,3,3,4,4),zz=c(-1.1,-1.3,0,0.6,-0.5,1,3.3,-1.3,4.4,3.5,5.1,3.5))
> d[[1]]<-as.factor(d[[1]])
> d[[2]]<-as.factor(d[[2]])
> print(d)
> interaction.plot(d$xx, d$yy, d$zz, fun=mean,
>  type="b", col=c("red","blue"), legend=F,
>  lty=c(1,2), lwd=2, pch=c(18,24),
>  xlab="X Label (level of xx)",
>  ylab="Y Label (level of zz)",
>  main="Chart Label")
> grid(nx=NA, ny=NULL,col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted",
>     lwd = par("lwd"), equilogs = TRUE)
> legend("bottomright",c("3","4"),bty="n",lty=c(1,2),lwd=2,
> pch=c(18,24),col=c("red","blue"),title="Level of yy")
> The dots on both lines show means on zz for a given combination of
> factors xx and yy.
> # If I add this line:
> with(d, text(xx,zz,paste(zz)))
> It adds the zz values for ALL data points in d - instead of the means
> that are shown on the graph...
> Any advice?
> Dimitri
> d=data.frame(xx=c(3,3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1),yy=c(4,3,4,3,4,3,4,3,4),zz=c(5.1,4.4,3.5,3.3,-1.1,-1.3,0,-0.5,0.6))
> d[[1]]<-as.factor(d[[1]])
> d[[2]]<-as.factor(d[[2]])
> print(d)
> interaction.plot(d$xx, d$yy, d$zz, fun=mean,
>  type="b", col=c("red","blue"), legend=F,
>  lty=c(1,2), lwd=2, pch=c(18,24),
>  xlab="X Label",
>  ylab="Y Label",
>  main="Chart Label")
> grid(nx=NA, ny=NULL,col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted",
>     lwd = par("lwd"), equilogs = TRUE)
> legend("bottomright",c("0.25","0.50","0.75"),bty="n",lty=c(1,2,3),lwd=2,
> pch=c(18,24,22),col=c(PrimaryColors[c(6,4)],SecondaryColors[c(4)]),title="R
> Squared")
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 2:06 PM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net> wrote:
>> See if this helps. After your code, submit this to R:
>> with(d, text(xx[xx==3],zz[xx==3],paste("3, ",zz[xx==3])))
>> After that has convinced you that xx and zz are being used properly,  you
>> can try the more general approach:
>> with(d, text(xx,zz,paste(xx, " , ", zz)))
>> I would have used ZZ rather than "Y Label" on the y axis, because yy is
>> being used as a grouping parameter and the plotted value is really zz
>> --
>> David Winsemius
>> On Mar 4, 2009, at 11:52 AM, Dimitri Liakhovitski wrote:
>>> Hello - and sorry for what might look like a simple graphics question.
>>> I am building an interaction plot for d:
>>> d=data.frame(xx=c(3,3,2,2,1,1),yy=c(4,3,4,3,4,3),zz=c(5.1,4.4,3.5,3.3,-1.1,-1.3))
>>> d[[1]]<-as.factor(d[[1]])
>>> d[[2]]<-as.factor(d[[2]])
>>> print(d)
>>> interaction.plot(d$xx, d$yy, d$zz,
>>>  type="b", col=c("red","blue"), legend=F,
>>>  lty=c(1,2), lwd=2, pch=c(18,24),
>>>  xlab="X Label",
>>>  ylab="Y Label",
>>>  main="Chart Label")
>>> I am trying and not succeeding in adding Y values (value labels in
>>> Excel speak) near the data points on 3 lines of the graph.
>>> I understand that I might have to use "text". But how do I tell text
>>> to use the actual coordinates of the dots on the lines?
>>> Thank you very much!
>>> --
>>> Dimitri Liakhovitski
>>> MarketTools, Inc.
>>> Dimitri.Liakhovitski at markettools.com
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> --
> Dimitri Liakhovitski
> MarketTools, Inc.
> Dimitri.Liakhovitski at markettools.com

Dimitri Liakhovitski
MarketTools, Inc.
Dimitri.Liakhovitski at markettools.com

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