[R] implementing Maximum Likelihood with distrMod when only the PDF is known
guillaume.martin at univ-montp2.fr
Tue Jun 23 14:59:01 CEST 2009
Dear R users and Dear authors of the distr package and sequels
I am trying to use the (very nice) package distrMod as I want to
implement maximum likelihood (ML) fit of some univariate data for which
I have derived a theoretical continuous density (pdf). As it is a
parametric density, I guess that I should implement myself a new
distribution of class AbscontDistributions (as stated in the pdf on
"creating new distributions in distr"), and then use MLEstimator() from
the distrMod package. Is that correct or is there a simpler way to go?
Note that I want to use the distr package because it allows me to
implement simply the convolution of my theoretical pdf with some noise
distribution that I want to model in the data, this is more difficult
with fitdistr or mle.
It proved rather difficult for me to implement the new class following
all the steps provided in the example, so I am asking if someone has an
example of code he wrote to implement a parametric distribution from its
pdf alone and then used it with MLEstimator().
I am sorry for the post is a bit long but it is a complicate question to
me and I am not at all skillful in the handling of such notions as "S4 -
class", etc.. so I am a bit lost here..
As a simple example, suppose my theoretical pdf is the skew normal
distribution (available in package sn):
#skew normal pdf (default values = the standard normal N(0,1)
fsn<-function(x,mu=0,sd=1,d=0) {u = (x-mu)/sd; f = dnorm(u)*pnorm(d*u);
# d = shape parameter (any real), mu = location (any real), sd = scale
(positive real)
#to see what it looks like try
#Now I tried to create the classes "SkewNorm" and "SkewNormParameter"
copying the example for the binomial
prototype=prototype(mu=0,sd=1,d=0,name=gettext("Parameter of the Skew
Normal distribution")),
##Class: distribution (created using the pdf of the skew normal defined
setClass("SkewNorm",prototype = prototype(
d = function(x, log = FALSE){fsn(x, mu=0, sd=1,d=0)},
param = new("SkewNormParameter"),
.logExact = TRUE,.lowerExact = TRUE),
contains = "AbscontDistribution"
#so far so good but then with
setMethod("mu", "SkewNormParameter", function(object) object at mu)
#I get the following error message:
> Error in setMethod("mu", "SkewNormParameter", function(object)
object at mu) : no existing definition for function "mu"
I don't understand because to me mu is a parameter not a function...
maybe that is too complex programming for me and I should switch to
implementing my likelihood by hand with numerical convolutions and
optim() etc., but I would like to know how to use distr, so if there is
anyone who had the same problem and solved it, I would be very grateful
for the hint !
All the best,
Guillaume MARTIN
Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier
ISEM UMR 5554, Bât. 22 Université Montpellier II
34 090 Montpellier, France
tel: (+33) 4 67 14 32 50
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