[R] Re gression using age and Duration of disease as a continous factors

Ben Bolker bolker at ufl.edu
Tue Jul 21 20:03:11 CEST 2009

1Rnwb wrote:
>  [snip]
> The suggestion that consult the statistician is kind of funny as  the
> statistician in my center is my co-mentor and from past 5 years he is
> sitting on the data without any output. 
> I am not here to ask someone to do my data analysis, but to get an
> understanding of the process as well as a proper direction to look for the
> analysis.  after all I do have to explain all these things to my boss as
> well. 

Does your co-mentor have any graduate students, postdocs, etc. who could
help you?  Anyone else in your group with more statistical knowledge? Are
there courses in regression offered at your institution? This really looks
like a large and potentially complicated question, and it could take hours
of someone's (unpaid) time to help you through it.  At least people
associated with your institution will (1) know the field [and hence be able
to spot potential pitfalls], (2) be physically present [communication is
easier/faster].  Postdocs or graduate students might be willing to help you
out for the price of beer or coffee, or out of interest -- or for
co-authorship on a manuscript, if it comes to that.  

  There are books on regression geared toward R by Julian Faraway and Frank
Harrell, among others.  If repeated samples are drawn from the same
individual you may also need to consult Pinheiro and Bates 2000.

  At the risk of offending you further:

> library(fortunes)
> fortune("brain")

I wish to perform brain surgery this afternoon at 4pm and don't know where
start. My background is the history of great statistician sports legends but
am willing to learn. I know there are courses and numerous books on brain
surgery but I don't have the time for those. Please direct me to the
appropriate HowTos, and be on standby for solving any problem I may
while in the operating room. Some of you might ask for specifics of the
but that would require my following the posting guide and spending even more
time than I am already taking to write this note.
   -- I. Ben Fooled (aka Frank Harrell)
      R-help (April 1, 2005)

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