[R] loading multiple .Rdata and preserving variable names
Barry Rowlingson
b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Wed Jul 15 12:12:14 CEST 2009
On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Duncan Murdoch<murdoch at stats.uwo.ca> wrote:
> Given two .RData files, you can load them into separate environments.
> Dealing with conflicting variables names is another issue, of course.
> For example:
> DataSet1 <- new.env()
> load( "somefile", envir=DataSet1)
> Now use ls(DataSet1) to see what you've got, repeat for DataSet2, etc. You
> can get a variable as DataSet1$VariableA.
As an alternative to loading you can attach the RData and get
variables using "get".
Create a couple of RData files with an 'x' in them:
> x=1
> save(x,file="x1.RData")
> x=2
> save(x,file="x2.RData")
> q()
Now in a new R session:
> attach("x1.RData",warn=FALSE)
> attach("x2.RData",warn=FALSE)
> get("x",pos="file:x1.RData")
[1] 1
> get("x",pos="file:x2.RData")
[1] 2
I've used warn=FALSE to suppress the warnings that attach() gives you
when objects attached mask other objects of the same name.
You can also detach() these things once you're done with them.
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