[R] simulating outcomes - categorical distribution (?)

Gonçalo Ferraz gferraz29 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 16:46:09 CET 2009


I am simulating an event that has 15 possible outcomes and I have a
vector 'pout' that gives me the probability of each outcome -
different outcomes have different probabilities. Does anyone know a
simple way of simulating the outcome of my event?

If my event had only two possible outcomes (0/1) I would pick a
uniform random number between 0 and 1 and use it to choose between the
two possible outcomes given a certain probability of outcome 0 or
failure 1.

Now, since I have 15 possible outcomes, I guess that this should be
done with some form of a categorical distribution but I couldn't find
a function for the categorical distribution yet.

Thanks for any suggestions!


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