[R] how to get the signed distance in SVM?

David Meyer david.meyer at wu-wien.ac.at
Thu Jan 15 14:54:07 CET 2009

Dear Qing,

look at the file "svminternals.txt" in the /doc subdirectory of the 
installed e1071 package (or inst/doc in the source package), that should 


 > In the svm() function in the package e1071, is there anyway to get the
 > signed distance of a sample point to the separating hyperplane in the
 > feature space? Namely, if the separating hyperplane is given by f(x) =
 > h(x)^T * w - rho, is there any way to get f(x)?
 > Also, in the returned values of the function svm(), what does "$coefs"
 > mean? It is said to be the "corresponding coefficients times the
 > training labels", but I don't know what is that "corresponding
 > coefficients" denoting?

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