[R] Using fortran code which call LAPACK subroutines

Matthieu Stigler matthieu.stigler at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 14:07:09 CET 2009


I'm trying to run a fortran code which use LAPACK subroutines. I think I 
should use some points shown in the manual 5.5 Creating shared objects 
but it is too technical for me :-(... Could anyone help me for the 
procedure to do:

-which part of the manual is relevant for this type of question? 
actually I'm speaking from writing R extensions, should I read R admin?

-point 1.2 says: /Recent versions of Autoconf in fact allow an already 
set |FLIBS| to override the test for the FORTRAN linker flags. Also, 
recent versions of R can detect external BLAS and LAPACK libraries./
but nevertheless I have to include something more? or modify the script?

-should I compile from SHLIB with other options or include it directly 
into a package and cretae a makevars or PACKAGE_LIBS...? I'm lost...

The subroutine I try to use is delcols.f 
(http://www.maths.manchester.ac.uk/~clucas/updating/addcols.f) which calls

*     .. External Subroutines ..

Thank you very much!!

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