[R] summary of a list

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Fri Feb 13 13:24:22 CET 2009


David Winsemius

On Feb 13, 2009, at 3:06 AM, lauramorgana at bluewin.ch wrote:

> Hello Dieter and everyone,
> Thank you for your advice... but I didn't manage to solve my  
> problem... :-(
> I actually like the fact that R tells me which ones of my  
> regressions didn't achieve convergence and gives me a
> warning saying that there was a false or singular convergence...
> the problem is that out of 35 regressions I do with my loop, only 5  
> don't achieve convergence and I would like to be
> able to get the summaries(or sigma, or coef, ...)
> of the 30 regressions that did achieve convergence... (I know from  
> the start that some regression functions will work
> for some variable and not necessarily for others)
> At the moment I check which ones reach convergence by doing
> print(resultList)
> and then I extract the summary by doing the following loop:
> summaryList<-list()
> for (i in c(1:8, 11:14, 16:24, 26:34))
> {
> summaryList[[i]]<-summary(resultList[[i]])
> }
> But this is quite tedious, since I will have to repeat it for other  
> rivers and also in the next years...
> Is there a way to tell R to show me the summary of all the results  
> anyway? Cause right now if I do:
> summaryList<-list()
> for (i in length(resultList))
> {
> summaryList[[i]]<-summary(resultList[[i]])
> }
> R only shows me the first 8 summaries and then stops because the  
> ninth didn't reach convergence...
> Any suggestion?
> P.S. I tried to use nls2 but I have the same problems...
> lauramorgana <at> bluewin.ch <lauramorgana <at> bluewin.ch> writes:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using the following for loop to find regression curves using a  
>> list of
> functions (formList), a list of
> .. long non-reproducible code removed
>> And I got the following error message:
>> Error in chol2inv(object$m$Rmat()) : l'elemento (3, 3) è zero, quindi
> l'inversa non può essere calcolata
>> Which translated should be: Error in chol2inv(object$m$Rmat()): the  
>> element
> (3, 3) is zero (NULL?),
>> that's why the
>> inverse (inverse function?) can not be computed
> nls is rather nasty or nice in telling you when the result should not
> be trusted. Other software gives nonsense result without blinking.
> In package nlme, there is a function nlsList which does directly  
> what you
> want, but there is little help besides revising the model for the  
> cases
> without convergence.
> Also try check Gabor Grothendieks package "nls2" which could help you
> finding better start values.
> Dieter
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