[R] Problem with lmer and wiki example
James Widman
jwidman at mi.nmfs.gov
Thu Feb 12 18:58:01 CET 2009
I am trying to duplicate the example by Spencer Graves in the wiki,
using lmer with the Nozzle data.
However the Chisq value and the fitAB values that are calculated are
different compared to those in the example. I also get a warning message
when I attempt the fitAB. Does anyone have any guidance as to why this
might happen and how to correct it?
I am using R on Kubutu in case that may be helpful.
---- my code --
[Previously saved workspace restored]
> rm(list=ls(all=TRUE))
> list=ls(all=TRUE)
> print(list)
> y <- c(6,6,-15, 26,12,5, 11,4,4, 21,14,7, 25,18,25,
+ 13,6,13, 4,4,11, 17,10,17, -5,2,-5, 15,8,1,
+ 10,10,-11, -35,0,-14, 11,-10,-17, 12,-2,-16, -4,10,24)
> Nozzle <- data.frame(Nozzle=rep(LETTERS[1:3],
e=15),Operator=rep(letters[1:5], e=3), flowRate=y)
> summary(Nozzle)
Nozzle Operator flowRate
A:15 a:9 Min. :-35.000
B:15 b:9 1st Qu.: 0.000
C:15 c:9 Median : 7.000
d:9 Mean : 5.511
e:9 3rd Qu.: 13.000
Max. : 26.000
> library(lme4)
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: lattice
> fitAB <- lmer(flowRate~Nozzle+(Nozzle|Operator),data=Nozzle, method="ML")
Warning messages:
1: In .local(x, ..., value) :
Estimated variance-covariance for factor ‘Operator’ is singular
2: In .local(x, ..., value) :
nlminb returned message false convergence (8)
> fitB <- lmer(flowRate~1+(1|Operator), data=Nozzle, method="ML")
> anova(fitAB, fitB)
Data: Nozzle
fitB: flowRate ~ 1 + (1 | Operator)
fitAB: flowRate ~ Nozzle + (Nozzle | Operator)
Df AIC BIC logLik Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
fitB 2 359.36 362.98 -177.68
fitAB 9 362.13 378.39 -172.06 11.237 7 0.1286
Output from Spencer Graves example
fitAB 9 359.88 376.14 -170.94 13.479 7 0.06126
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