[R] mann whitney u
Stefan Grosse
singularitaet at gmx.net
Wed Aug 26 17:22:14 CEST 2009
On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 12:18:53 +0100 "Mcdonald, Grant"
<grant.mcdonald08 at imperial.ac.uk> wrote:
MG> is the wilcox.test function equivalent to mann-whitney u? Is there
Yes, the test is the same. It is also called wilcoxon mann whitney test
because the authors created the test independently.
MG> a way to gain the U-value as apposed to the W-value in R?
What would be the purpose of this when you already have the p-value
given? As far as I know W and U are related. Look at
and calculate the U1 U2 with the values of the example(wilcox.test).
You have not described how your data look like. In case of tie's
(equal values) use wilcox_test of the coin package.
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