[R] problem with BRugs

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Tue Aug 25 15:21:40 CEST 2009

Vitalie S. wrote:
>> This is a BUGS error message that indeed tells you that BUGS cannot 
>> truncate that density - not related to R at all.
>> Best,
>> Uwe Ligges
> Yes, indeed, that does not work in OpenBugs as well. Means that 
> documentation of Open bugs is  incorrect (they are using dnorm there). 
> Also "I" works and "T" does not work for any distribution I've tried.
> The problem is that BRugs documentation is not mentioning T and C 
> operators.
> OpenBugs tels about T and C but not "I". And obviously nothing about 
> what T does not work and I should be used instead!
> If I didn't know from previous versions about "I" operator I would have 
> been stuck with BRugs code.
> So I believe this is also a problem of BRugs' documentation. T and C 
> should be mentioned there along side with "I".
> The guys at OpenBugs obviously now the problem - just new users are 
> utterly confused, that's all.

Please report OpenBUGS documentation issues at the OpenBUGS list. I do 
not have write access there.

Thank you very much,

> Sorry for taking your time.
> And thanks for the port; indeed, great tool.
> Vitalie.

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