[R] Starting NONMEM (nmfe6) from R
Michal Figurski
figurski at mail.med.upenn.edu
Wed Aug 5 20:39:54 CEST 2009
Dear Scott (and all),
Thanks for sharing your idea - it helped me solve the problem. The issue
was actually the "nmfe6.bat" itself - there was plenty of references
such as "%dir%", "%nmdir%", etc. I replaced them all with full paths.
Additionally, I put all the PATH settings from "NMdirectories.bat" into
the "nmfe6.bat" to save on number of files that I have to call. I also
deleted most of the error-checking code and left only the lines calling
directly to the NONMEM components.
If anyone is interested, I replaced both the ":tran" and ":compile"
parts of the "nmfe6.bat" with the following code:
K:\NONMEMCourse\nmvi\tr\nmtran.exe < %1 > FMSG
type FMSG
copy fsubs fsubs.for > nul
call g77compile
echo Starting nonmem execution ...
echo Stop Time: >>%2
date /t >>%2
time /t >>%2
goto exit
When run in R, it displays a warning: "...execution failed with error
code 1", nevertheless NONMEM actually produces the tables. I placed the
edited "nmfe6.bat" in my project folder and used the following R
commands to execute it:
shell("nmfe6 control.txt output.txt", wait=T)
Therefore, this works for me, for now. Nevertheless, if anyone has an
idea on what causes the warning message and how to make it run smoothly,
please share with me.
Michal J. Figurski, PhD
HUP, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Biomarker Research Laboratory
3400 Spruce St. 7 Maloney
Philadelphia, PA 19104
tel. (215) 662-3413
Scott Sherrill-Mix wrote:
> I believe R does system calls from its current working directory
> (getwd() will tell you where that is). This may not be the same
> directory you designed your .bat for. What if you use the full path
> for your files in the batch file? e.g.
> call K:\nmvi\nmfe6 "K:\nmvi\path\control.txt" "K:\nmvi\path\output.txt"
> Alternatively, you could make sure R is working in the right directory. e.g.
> setwd('K:\nmvi')
> Scott
> Scott Sherrill-Mix
> Department of Microbiology
> University of Pennsylvania
> 402B Johnson Pavilion
> 3610 Hamilton Walk
> Philadelphia, PA 19104-6076
> Phone: 215-573-3141
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Michal
> Figurski<figurski at mail.med.upenn.edu> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have made an R script that prepares a NONMEM dataset and I would like to
>> start the NONMEM run right after the dataset is ready.
>> I am using windows XP, R 2.9.1 and NONMEM 6.
>> I have prepared a run.bat file that looks like this:
>> ----------------------------------------
>> call K:\nmvi\NMdirectories.bat
>> call K:\nmvi\nmfe6 "path\control.txt" "path\output.txt"
>> ----------------------------------------
>> The first call sets up all paths and directories, the second call starts
>> NONMEM. If I run this run.bat file directly in cmd window, it runs
>> correctly. However, if I use the R command:
>> shell("K:\\path\\run.bat", wait=T)
>> the first call runs correctly, but then the second produces and error "The
>> system cannot find the path specified." - completely as if the computer has
>> forgotten all the paths and settings from the first call.
>> Does anyone know a solution to this problem?
>> --
>> Michal J. Figurski, PhD
>> HUP, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
>> Biomarker Research Laboratory
>> 3400 Spruce St. 7 Maloney
>> Philadelphia, PA 19104
>> tel. (215) 662-3413
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