[R] How to read the summary

K. Elo maillists at nic.fi
Tue Apr 28 18:13:39 CEST 2009


mathallan wrote:
> How can I from the summary function, decide which glm (fit1, fit2 or fit3)
> fits to data best? I don't know what to look after, so I would please
> explain the important output.

Start with the AIC value (Akaike Information Criterion). The model
having the lowest AIC is the best (of the fitted models, of course).

So, in Your case, the AICs are:

>> fit1 <- glm(Y~X, family=gaussian(link="identity"))
> AIC: 51.294

>> fit2 <- glm(Y~X, family=gaussian(link="log"))
> AIC: 32.954

>> fit3 <- glm(Y~X, family=Gamma(link="log"))
> AIC: 36.65

Hence, the best model seems to be 'fit2'.

Kind regards,

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