[R] Lattice axis list (when relation = "free")

In Hee Park ipark at chemistry.ohio-state.edu
Thu Apr 2 18:51:42 CEST 2009

Thanks for your comment.  Beside axis location, I have another
question for you.

If I wanted to change the matrix column names shown on the lattice
plot, which argument should be used to handle it?  (I'd like to know
the overall lattice plot level scheme, for example, which argument
controls which part of lattice plot, something like that.)

Currently in my 7-column lattice plot, each panel name is "E1", "E2"
..."E7'.  Now I'd like to add "-" (special character) in front of each
panel name like... "-E1", "-E2", etc.  Thanks again for your help.

In-Hee Park

[2009-04-02.Thu.9:36am] Deepayan Sarkar wrote `Re: [R] Lattice axis list...'

  On 3/29/09, In Hee Park <ipark at chemistry.ohio-state.edu> wrote:
  > Dear R users:
  >  I am having difficulty to place x-axis location alternatively
  >  top/bottom side in Lattice plot, which is composed of seven-column as
  >  following:
  >         E1         E2      E3       E4     E5      E6      E7
  >  Case1   -505.85   -75.32   494.52  -12.31  -98.96  50.34   -48.62
  >  Case2   -50.46    -60.97   68.32   -8.66   -51.77  25.17   -26.60
  >  Case3   -253.00   -54.99   243.48  -8.76   -73.27  35.46   -37.81
  >  Case4    94.73     -20.27  -83.70  -3.17   -12.41  15.01   2.6
  >  To adjust x-axis scale per column, I used prepanel function followed
  >  by scales argument.  But then I wanted to mimic "alternating" option
  >  manually for x-axis location to prevent congestion among adjacent
  >  x-axis numbers.
  >  How can I make a list for axis location when relation = "free" is used?

  You cannot easily (unless you provide a custom 'axis' function and
  manage space yourself). Setting relation="free" forces axes on the


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