[R] Using a background photo in lattice--title and axes missing
Waichler, Scott R
Scott.Waichler at pnl.gov
Thu Nov 6 00:31:39 CET 2008
I am trying to use a background photo in a lattice plot. I am using the
rimage and TeachingDemos packages to plot the photo and translate from
the photo coordinates in pixels to geographic coordinates, which is what
I want to use for plotting contours, lines, etc. The (unrunable) code
below does give me a plot showing the photo, color contours, contour
lines, and colorkey, but not the plot title or axes. How can I get the
title and axes to appear?
# Define a panel function that fills the true contoured regions with
# This requires the gridBase package. panel.contourplot() gives a
stair-step, rectangular
# pattern caused by the underlying grid. This custom function from
Deepayan Sarkar
# fills the contour color regions right up to the contour lines
# This version uses pre-defined colors.
panel.filledContour2 <- function(x, y, z, subscripts, at, col =
my.colors, ...) {
stopifnot(require("rimage")) # use for plotting a background photo
stopifnot(require("TeachingDemos")) # use for changing from photo
coordinates (pixels) to geographic coordinates
z <- matrix(z[subscripts], nrow = length(unique(x[subscripts])),
ncol = length(unique(y[subscripts])))
if (!is.double(z)) storage.mode(z) <- "double"
opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
if (panel.number() > 1) par(new = TRUE)
par(fig = gridFIG(), omi = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
cpl <- current.panel.limits() # set the plot window boundaries to
the current panel limits
plot.window(xlim = cpl$xlim, ylim = cpl$ylim, log = "", xaxs = "i",
yaxs = "i")
# Plot the background photo
# Change from photo to geographic coordinate systems.
# Reference two points in the image coordinate system to the new
coordinate system.
# x1, y1 are in the photo coordinates; x2, y2 are the map/plotting
coordinates you want to work in.
updateusr(x1 = photo.resize.factor * x1r, y1 = photo.resize.factor *
y1r, x2 = x2r, y2 = y2r)
# Plot the color contours
.Internal(filledcontour(as.double(do.breaks(cpl$xlim, nrow(z) - 1)),
as.double(do.breaks(cpl$ylim, ncol(z) - 1)),
z, levels = as.double(at), col = col))
# Add contour lines
contour(as.double(do.breaks(cpl$xlim, nrow(z) - 1)),
as.double(do.breaks(cpl$ylim, ncol(z) - 1)),
z, levels = as.double(at), col = "black",
drawlabels=T, add=T, labcex=0.8)
} # end of panel.filledContour2()
plotfile <- plotfile2b
png(file = plotfile, width=11, height=8.5, units="in", res=75,
pointsize=12) # landscape letter
my.cuts <- seq(0, 90, by=10)
my.colors <- rev(BluetoOrange.10[1:9]) # orange to blue (warm to cold
with increasing time)
#my.colors <- rgb(col2rgb(my.colors)/255, alpha=0.2) # make
translucent; only works for pdf, quartz devices
x.limits <- c(593600, 593950)
x.ticks <- pretty(x.limits, n=5)
y.limits <- c(113300, 113530)
y.ticks <- pretty(y.limits, n=5)
p$time[ind.neg] <- 0
ind <- ind.all.times.injected
di <- interp(x=p$x[ind], y=p$y[ind], z=p$time[ind], duplicate="mean",
xo=seq(x.limits.photo[1], x.limits.photo[2], length =
300), yo=seq(y.limits.photo[1], y.limits.photo[2], length = 300))
ia <- which(!is.na(di$z))
grid <- expand.grid(x=di$x, y=di$y)
# contour plot doesn't print a key by default
print(contourplot(di$z ~ x * y, grid,
# Plot head as filled color contours
panel = panel.filledContour2, subscripts = 1:length(grid$x),
at = my.cuts,
col.regions = my.colors,
contour = TRUE,
scales = list(x = list(relation="same", alternating = T,
at =x.ticks.photo, labels = x.ticks.photo,
y = list(relation="same", alternating = T,
at = y.ticks.photo, labels = y.ticks.photo,
xlab=list(label="X (m)", cex=1.1),
ylab=list(label="Y (m)", cex=1.1),
layout=c(1,1), # ncols, nrows
main=list(label="Particle Travel Times", cex=1.2),
strip = F, # set to FALSE if you don't want strip drawn in plot (a
plot.args = list(newpage = FALSE)
)) # end print(xyplot())
Scott Waichler
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
scott.waichler at pnl.gov
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