[R] Importing data in text file into R

amarjit singh sethi ajss_gndu at yahoo.com
Sat May 24 05:40:32 CEST 2008

Dear all,
I am quite new to R; facing certain problems:
Say, I have a text file( named as "try"):
Year	C1	C2	C3	C4	C5	C6
Y1	3.5	13.8	9.5	6.8	0.4	24.2
Y2	3.8	13.9	9.9	7.6	0.7	12.8
Y3	4.5	14.5	14.2	9.2	0.6	14.5
Y4	5.9	16.2	24.6	12.7	0.2	24.3
Y5	7.2	20.4	40.6	18.2	0.8	28.2
Y6	5.9	18.6	37.4	14.5	0.3	36.9
Y7	8.0	16.1	88.6	24.1	0.1	34.6
Y8	13.6	21.1	56.3	19.0	0.7	33.3

I wish to import the file into R and make certain
computations, like intercorrelation matrix. I tried
the following syntax:

# Inputting the data file (saved in text format)
idt=read.table(df,header=T, sep="\t")
# To generate intercorrelatio matrix
r = cor(idt)
r=round(r, 4)

The seems to have been read, but further computations
not made, with the following output:

> # Inputting the data file (saved in text format)
> df="trial.txt"
> idt=read.table(df,header=T, sep="\t")
> idt
  Year   C1   C2   C3   C4  C5   C6
1   Y1  3.5 13.8  9.5  6.8 0.4 24.2
2   Y2  3.8 13.9  9.9  7.6 0.7 12.8
3   Y3  4.5 14.5 14.2  9.2 0.6 14.5
4   Y4  5.9 16.2 24.6 12.7 0.2 24.3
5   Y5  7.2 20.4 40.6 18.2 0.8 28.2
6   Y6  5.9 18.6 37.4 14.5 0.3 36.9
7   Y7  8.0 16.1 88.6 24.1 0.1 34.6
8   Y8 13.6 21.1 56.3 19.0 0.7 33.3
> # To generate intercorrelatio matrix
> r = cor(idt)
Error in cor(idt) : missing observations in cov/cor
In addition: Warning message:
In cor(idt) : NAs introduced by coercion
> r=round(r, 4)
Error: object "r" not found
> r
Error: object "r" not found

Kindly advise me as to how to get rid of the error


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