[R] Labeling a plot's x-axis with 12 strings, vertically oriented.

John heimdal at aracnet.com
Wed May 21 20:56:11 CEST 2008


I really enjoy using R for my plotting. I have a modest plot, containing 
24 data points, across 2 lines,12 points each. Ideally, the x-axis would 
be labeled with a series of strings, oriented vertically. Here is the R 
container holding the Search strings:

 > Search
 [1] Route To: NCENGR                                      Status: Open 
CR Route To: NCENGR   
 [3] Status: Cancel Route To: TEST1                   Status: ENG REQ 
Route To: TDELLE   
 [5] (*) Customer Name: *                                    (*) 
Customer Name: S*IT*           
 [7] (*) Customer Name: SMITH                           (*) Address: 
 [9] (*) Address: 1** S**** ST                               Route To: 
[11] Route To: NCS  From Date: 01/01/2000         Name: 
12 Levels: (*) Address: 1** S**** ST                    (*) Address: 
1*** ... Status: Open CR Route To: NCENGR

Is there a function to define the x-axis, using the above 12 strings as 
axis tick labels, from 1 - 12, vertically oriented? Any help would be 
appreciated, as my current work around is tedious, and not asthetically 



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