[R] New Optimization task view on CRAN

Stefan Theussl stefan.theussl at wu-wien.ac.at
Thu May 15 18:10:41 CEST 2008

Dear all,

Today we released a new task view on CRAN which deals with R packages 
closely related to the wide field of optimization. It can be found on 

The focus of this task view is on *General Purpose Continuous Solvers*,  
*Mathematical Programming Solvers*  and  *Specific Applications in 
Optimization*. Packages are categorized in these three sections.

Although every regression model in statisics solves an optimization 
problem they are not part of this view. Other task views like 
Multivariate, SocialSciences or Robust are good starting points if you 
are interested in these models.

Suggestions and comments about this new task view are very welcome.
And if you think that some package is missing from the list, please let 
me know.


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