[R] metaMDS using Dissimilarity matrix

Birgit Lemcke birgit.lemcke at systbot.uzh.ch
Thu May 15 13:13:14 CEST 2008

Hello R-user community!

I am running R 2.7.0 on a Power Book (Tiger). (I am still R and  
statistics beginner)

Presently I try to run the function metaMDS (vegan) using an existing  

As I would like to start with this matrix I thought I could just give  
the matrix using the x=  -argument

	Fehler in inherits(comm, "dist") : Argument "comm" fehlt (ohne  

But obviously that is not the way it works.

The second problem is that it seems that I have zero distance value  
between some objects what causes a problem in isoMDS (vegan)

	Test<-isoMDS(Dist.GowerTest) Fehler in isoMDS(Dist.GowerTest)
	 : zero or negative distance between objects 240 and 241

Sorry might be that I am just to stupid to understand the  
documentation, but could somebody help me anyway.

Thanks in advance


Birgit Lemcke
Institut für Systematische Botanik
Zollikerstrasse 107
CH-8008 Zürich
Ph: +41 (0)44 634 8351
birgit.lemcke at systbot.uzh.ch

175 Jahre UZH
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