[R] mosaic plot of "vcd" package does not stretch with 2-dimension?

Dieter Menne dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Fri May 2 18:06:05 CEST 2008

Sang Chul Choi <choi <at> biology.rutgers.edu> writes:
> I like mosaic function of "vcd" package. I have played around it. I  
> have found out that mosaic plot  data table is 2-dimension does not  
> stretch when you enlarge a mosaic plot. It is okay when data table is  
> 3 or more dimension. The first one is of 3-dimension table case, and  
> the second one is 2-dimension. With the first plot, you can drag  
> window to enlarge a plot. With the second, I cannot.
> ===========================================================
> music = c(210, 194, 170, 110,
>            190, 406, 730, 290)
> dim(music) = c(2, 2, 2)
> dimnames(music) = list(Age = c("Old", "Young"),
>                         Education = c("High", "Low"),
>                         Listen = c("Yes", "No"))
> mosaic(music)
> ===========================================================
> ===========================================================
> music = c(210, 194, 170, 110,
>            190, 406, 730, 290)
> dim(music) = c(2, 4)
> dimnames(music) = list(Age = c("Old", "Young"),
>                         Education = c("High", "Low", "Upper", "Lower"))
> mosaic(music)

Not really: note that the images resizes correctly, it just keeps its square

vcd is so strongly modularized that it can be difficult to find the information
required. Check strucplot, where it says:

keep_aspect_ratio 	logical indicating whether the aspect ratio should be
fixed or not. If unspecified, the default is TRUE for two-dimensional tables and
FALSE otherwise.

So try

mosaic(music, keep_aspect_ratio=FALSE)

but think over if that's really what you want. In most cases it makes 
sense to keep the square aspect for 2x2 cases 


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