[R] list()
Scott Romans
scott.romans at mac.com
Wed Mar 19 12:56:43 CET 2008
Is anyone familiar with a good tutorial (in print or online) on the
use of list()? I found Matlab structures to be a great way to pass
complex variables (such as a model consisting of differently-
dimensioned variables) back and forth between functions. It seems
list() requires that you define the components within the command
(model <- list( var1 =" ", var2 = " ", etc) and that if you don't
fully define and name the component variables WITHIN the list command,
you won't be able to refer to them by name elsewhere. Instead, you
will have to remember the order and call the component variables as
model[[1]] etc. instead of model$var1. Is this a correct
understanding? Are there any good, comprehensive explanations on
list() with examples?
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