[R] Principle component analysis function

Paul Hiemstra p.hiemstra at geo.uu.nl
Thu Mar 6 14:40:42 CET 2008

phthao05 wrote:
> Dear All,
> In a package, I want to use PCA function. The structure I used follow this
> page: http://www.statmethods.net/advstats/factor.html.
>        fit<-principle(mydata, nfactors=9, rotation=TRUE)
>    or:
>        result<-PCA(mydata)
> But I don't known why R language in my computer noticed: "not found
> principle", "not found PCA".
> I download and installed R-2.6.2-win32.exe.
> Thanks alot for answering me.
> Hue University, VietNam.

You can use the prcomp() function to perform a principal component 
analysis, it is part of the standard installation of R.

As a tip for finding the functions you need, use help.search() (e.g. 
help.seach("principal component"))


Drs. Paul Hiemstra
Department of Physical Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
University of Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 2
P.O. Box 80.115
3508 TC Utrecht
Phone: 	+31302535773
Fax:	+31302531145

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