[R] rrp.impute: for what sizes does it work?

Werner Wernersen pensterfuzzer at yahoo.de
Wed Mar 5 16:37:07 CET 2008


I have a survey dataset of about 20000 observations
where for 2 factor variables I have about 200 missing
values each. I want to impute these using 10 possibly
explanatory variables which are a mixture of integers
and factors.

Since I was quite intrigued by the concept of rrp I
wanted to use it but it takes ages and terminates with
an error. First time it stopped complaining about too
little memory which I increased then from 1.5 to 2GB. 
Now it terminates after a long time with this:
Error in nn[[i]] : subscript out of bounds

Has anybody encountered this problem before, is it due
to my data? Could you recommend another package for
such imputation? 
I looked at the aregImpute in Hmisc but I don't really
understand what it is doing.

Thanks a lot,

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