[R] write output in a custom format

baptiste AuguiƩ ba208 at exeter.ac.uk
Thu Feb 14 16:59:16 CET 2008


I need to create a text file in the following format,

> 1 100.0 0
>  0 0
>  1 1
>  0 0
>  1 1
> #
> 1 100.0 0
>  0 0
>  0 1
>  1 0
>  1 1

where # is part of the format and not a R comment.

Each block (delimited by #) consists of a first line with three  
values, call it dose, and a list of (x,y) coordinates which are a  
matrix or data.frame,

> particle <- list(dose=c(1,100.0,0),pos=data.frame(x=c(0,1,0,1),y=c 
> (0,1,0,1)))
> print(particle)

I'd like to establish a connection to a file and append to it a  
"particle" block in the format above, or even write the whole file at  

Because different lines have a different number of elements, I  
couldn't get write.table to work in this case, and my attempts at sink 
(), dump(), writeLines(), writeChar() all turn into really dirty  
solutions. I have this feeling I'm overlooking a simple solution.

Any help welcome,



Baptiste AuguiƩ

Physics Department
University of Exeter
Stocker Road,
Exeter, Devon,

Phone: +44 1392 264187


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