[R] newbie question on tcltk

eugen pircalabelu eugen_pircalabelu at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 22 23:57:45 CET 2008

Hi List,

Can anyone tell me how could i put the "BACK" button in the following code, just under the "AAA" menu? I want this button to go back to the previous page, and since it has nothing to do with the "1" and "2" buttons, i want it somehow separated from these two buttons, but i don't know how.  I searched the web for some examples but my results were unsatisfactory.   

Thank you and have a great day ahead.

#my code
 top <- tktoplevel(padx=70, pady=70)  
 frameOverall <- tkframe(top)
 frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall,relief="groove",borderwidth=2)
 back_but <- tkbutton (frameUpper, text = "BACK", width=20, height=1, default="active", overrelief="flat",anchor="w", borderwidth=4 )
 tkpack (frameUpper, back_but, side='left', anchor='n')
 tkgrid(tklabel(top,text="    ")) 
 fontHeading <- tkfont.create(family="arial",size=14,weight="bold")

 other_window <- function () 
	 tt <- tktoplevel(padx=100, pady=100)
	 b1 <- tkbutton (tt, text = "3.", width=20, font=fontHeading, command=function () tkdestroy (tt) )
	 tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="    ")) 
	 b2 <- tkbutton (tt, text = "4.", width=20, font=fontHeading, command=function () tkdestroy (tt) )
	 tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="    ")) 
 ok.but1 <- tkbutton (top, text = "1.", width=20, font=fontHeading,default="active", overrelief="flat", anchor="w",command=other_window );tkgrid(ok.but1)
 tkgrid(tklabel(top,text="    ")) 
 ok.but2 <- tkbutton(top, text = "2. ", width=20, font=fontHeading, default="active", overrelief="flat", anchor="w"); tkgrid(ok.but2 )
 tkgrid(tklabel(top,text="    ")) 
 topMenu <- tkmenu(top)
 tkconfigure(top, menu = topMenu)
 fileMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
 openRecentMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)  
 tkadd(openRecentMenu, "command", label = "5 ",
     command = function() tkmessageBox(
         message = "xxxxx", icon = "error"))
 tkadd(openRecentMenu, "command", label = "6",
 command = function() tkmessageBox(
         message = "yyyyy", icon = "error"))

 tkadd(fileMenu, "cascade", label = "BBB", menu = openRecentMenu)
 tkadd(fileMenu, "command", label = "EXIT", command = function() tkdestroy(tt))
 tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "AAA", menu = fileMenu)
 # end code

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