[R] Problem assigning "NA" as a level name in a list

Cliff Behrens cliff at research.telcordia.com
Tue Dec 16 19:46:19 CET 2008

Very good...thanks!  As you can tell, I really haven't made much (READ 
any) previous use of this list.


Ben Bolker wrote:
> Cliff Behrens-3 wrote:
>>  For future reference, am 
>> I to assume that no contributed packages should be implicated in 
>> resolving a problem?
> It does bring things one step closer to "minimal, reproducible".
> If you can identify the problem as specifically involving the package,
> then it's still OK to query the general R list, but it's generally a
> good idea to Cc: the package maintainer as well.
>   Ben Bolker

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