[R] Function not returning a vector?

Mark Lyman mark.lyman at atk.com
Thu Aug 28 20:47:35 CEST 2008

 <rkevinburton <at> charter.net> writes:

> Why does:
> (shape/scale) * (1:365/scale)^(shape - 1)
> return a vector of numbers but calling a function
> hasard(1:365,shape,scale)
> defined like:
> hazard <- function(x,shape,scale)
> {
>    return (shape/scale) * (x/scale)^(shape - 1)
> }
> Only return a single value? It is like x becomes a single value passed as an 

I believe you have a couple of typos. Your function is returning shape/scale 
only. Try:

hazard <- function(x,shape,scale)
     return ((shape/scale) * (x/scale)^(shape - 1))

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