[R] stats tests on large tables

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Tue Aug 26 22:24:54 CEST 2008

On 27/08/2008, at 3:52 AM, Richard Emes wrote:

> I have a large table of data which i can read in using read.table.
> I then want to conduct various tests on the data.
> Is there a simple way to conduct these tests by specifying the  
> column headers which relate to different conditions of the experiment?
> e.g. data1 <- read.table("test.table", header=TRUE)
> t.test(test~control, data = data1)
> Which doesn't work and results in the error
> "Error in t.test.formula(test ~ control, data = data1) :
>   grouping factor must have exactly 2 levels"

	with(data1,t.test(test ~ control)) # You do not need to specify the  
method explicitly.


			Rolf Turner

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