[R] seq: specify *minimum* end value, more elegant solution

Timothy W. Hilton twh142 at psu.edu
Mon Aug 18 20:38:47 CEST 2008


Using seq, I would like to specify a minumum end value, rather than a maximum end value.  For example, rather than

> seq(from=0, to=10, by=4)
[1] 0 4 8

I would like to obtain 
[1] 0 4 8 12

I can do that with 
> by.value = 4
> seq(from=0,by=by.value,to=ceiling(10 / by.value)*by.value)
[1]  0  4  8 12

That seems like a somewhat clunky solution, though, and requires an additional variable (by.value) that shows up three times.  Is there a more elegant solution to this?


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