[R] package building problem on windows

Christophe Dutang dutangc at gmail.com
Sun Aug 17 12:12:56 CEST 2008


I'm trying to compile the package biglm, but when I build it with R  
CMD build biglm, it failed :

C:\LOCAL\c-dutang\code\R\biglm2>R CMD build biglm
* checking for file 'biglm/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* preparing 'biglm':
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ...C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local:  
Can't op
n C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local: No such file or directory
C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local: Can't open C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local: No  
such file
or directory
C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local: Can't open C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local: No  
such file
or directory
* cleaning src
* removing junk files
C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local: Can't open C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local: No  
such file
or directory
C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local: Can't open C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local: No  
such file
or directory
C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local: Can't open C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local: No  
such file
or directory
Error: cannot open file 'biglm/DESCRIPTION' for reading

But when I install it, the installation is performed but I still have  
'can't open' and 'no such file or directory'.

C:\LOCAL\c-dutang\code\R\biglm2>R CMD install biglm
C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local: Can't open C:/DOCUME~1/c-dutang/Local: No  
such file
or directory
installing to ''

---------- Making package biglm ------------
   adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
   installing NAMESPACE file and metadata
   making DLL ...
gcc  -std=gnu99  -IC:/PROGRA~1/R/R-2.7.1/include     -O3 -Wall  -c  
boundedQR.c -
o boundedQR.o
gfortran   -O3  -c boundedQRf.f -o boundedQRf.o
windres --preprocessor="gcc -E -xc -DRC_INVOKED" -I C:/PROGRA~1/R/ 
e  -i biglm_res.rc -o biglm_res.o
gcc  -std=gnu99  -shared -s  -o biglm.dll biglm.def boundedQR.o  
boundedQRf.o big
lm_res.o  -LC:/PROGRA~1/R/R-2.7.1/bin   -lgfortran -lR
   ... DLL made
   installing DLL
   installing R files
   installing man source files
   installing indices
   installing help
  >>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'biglm'
      Formats: text html latex example chm
   adding MD5 sums

* DONE (biglm)

Actually, I have no directory local in 'document and settings' but a  
directory local settings exists. What's wrong with my installation? I  
install all tools as recommanded on Murdoch's page. Maybe R CMD build  
tries to use a temp file? in 'document and settings'?

I use R 2.7.1 with Windows xp pro.

Thanks in advance


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