[R] Exporting data to a text file

Don MacQueen macq at llnl.gov
Wed Aug 6 23:08:04 CEST 2008

You could try using sink() instead of write.table() to append the clustering .

print( myclara$clustering )

That will definitely append clustering to the file.


At 6:49 PM +0200 8/1/08, pacomet wrote:
>HI R users
>With clara function I get a data frame (maybe this is not the exact word,
>I'm new to R) with the following variables:
>>  names(myclara)
>  [1] "sample"     "medoids"    "i.med"      "clustering" "objective"
>  [6] "clusinfo"   "diss"       "call"       "silinfo"    "data"
>I want to export "clustering" and "data" to a new text file so I try
>  > write.table(myclara$data,"cluster.dat")
>  > write.table(myclara$clustering,"cluster.dat",append=TRUE)
>Variable data is properly exported but clustering is not appended to the
>output file.
>Please, where is the mistake? is it possible to export the two variables in
>just a sentence?
>thanks in advance
>El ponent la mou, el llevant la plou
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Don MacQueen
Environmental Protection Department
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA, USA

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