[R] [R-pkgs] sensitivity

IOOSS Bertrand 165542 bertrand.iooss at cea.fr
Fri Aug 1 16:39:19 CEST 2008

Hi All,

the new release v1.4-0 of the "sensitivity" package is now available on CRAN
The "sensitivity" package is devoted to factor screening and global sensitivity analysis
of numerical model output. 

Here are the new features list:

New functionalities:
	 * sequential bifurcation method (sb function) [VERSION ALPHA] 
       * 3D plot 3D for the Morris method (function plot3d.morris, needs the rgl package) 
       * simplex designs for Morris method (function morris) 
       * multidimensional Sobol indices (function sobol) 
       * argument return.var in sobol methods in order to have local variables
         which are not saved in the output object, for example the bootstrap replicates
	   (functions sobol and sobol2002) 
       * template files writing (function template.replace) 
       * new argument ylim to control the ordinate axis for graphics (src, pcc, sobol, sobol2002, fast)
Small changes in the functions:
       * several names of parameters and variables in the objects have changed 
       * function "srcpcc" has been divided in two functions: "src" and "pcc" 
       * function "sobol" has been divided in two functions: "sobol" (original 1993 method) and "sobol2002"
       * function "fast" has been renamed "fast99"
       * the space filling design optimization for the Morris design has been rearranged in order
	   to gain computing memory. Some C code additions will be done later. 

Bertrand Iooss
CEA Cadarache
13108 Saint Paul lez Durance

Laboratoire de Conduite et de Fiabilité des Réacteurs
bertrand.iooss at cea.fr
Tel : (33/0) 4 42 25 72 73
Fax : (33/0) 4 42 25 24 08

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